A Year

My apologies for taking such a long time to update my blog. The year was a long one that ended in loss and one in which I did not write much. I have not, however, put writing aside forever. The stories I’ve been planning are still going to be written. Only the time frame has shifted. I’m still working on the story I mentioned last year, and the third book in The Hidden Gifted series will follow. There is a change to the series as well; there will be four books instead of three! An idea came to me for the third book, and I am super excited about it. The story will follow Samuel, who was mentioned in the second book, and will give us an idea about what’s been going on outside the world of those we’ve followed in the series so far. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. 🙂

Life is short, my friends. In this past year I’ve learned how important it is to love, to try to be our best selves, and to make the most of the time we have with each other. It is truly my hope that I write stories that add enjoyment to your days.

Love to you all.